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Off the Shelf – A Look at Pentti Sammallahti

Here Far Away I’m not sure how I came across the beautiful works of Pentti Sammallahti. But, eight years ago, I purchased his collective works of over 40 years in the fantastic book, Here Far Away. Since that day I’ve been in love with his photography. Reading the forward by Finn Thrane sets the mood…

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By AniT, October 30, 2021

Seeing Things New

“I’m not interested in seeing new things, I’m interested in seeing things new.” – Ernst Haas I’ve wanted to photograph this barn for a while, but it wasn’t until today that what I saw in my mind’s eye finally turned into a photograph. I took the pups to town and lately I’ve been making sure…

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By AniT, October 23, 2021

Forged by Fire

My farrier David asked me to come along and make photographs for a project he was involved with. Unfortunately, the project never got off the ground but I wanted to share the images nonetheless.  The fascinating aspect of using fire in the creation of the horseshoe from start to finish involves craftsmanship and skill and…

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By AniT, October 14, 2021

Mystique von Blitz

Our new female DDR black German Shepherd, Mystique von Blitz aka Tika

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By AniT, October 13, 2021
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Siegreich von Mayhem

Portraits of our 2 1/2 month of male German Shepherd puppy Rowdy

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By AniT, October 12, 2021

Serenity of Light

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” – Ansel Adams

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By AniT, October 11, 2021

Tres Equus

“The horse. Here is nobility without conceit, friendship without envy, beauty without vanity. A willing servant, yet never a slave.” – Ronald Duncan Horses came to me late in life. It was 16 years ago that I met my Indy. A beautiful filly standing in a paddock that stole my heart and set in motion…

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By AniT, October 7, 2021
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Predators of the Heart Wolf Encounter

A few weeks ago Rick and I spent the morning at a wonderful facility dedicated to helping preserve the wild hearts of the mysterious and misunderstood wolf. It was a great experience learning about these fabulous animals. During the tour guests are taught about the numerous animals that have found a sanctuary and a place…

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By AniT, September 23, 2021

New Blog Revamp!

Update: 06/10/2023 – Once again my entire blog was compromised, UGH! Oh well, back to the drawing board. I need to upload the missing images, work on the shop and finish updating plugins etc. C’est la vie! A while back I lost my entire blog, all my post data, store products the whole nine yards!…

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By AniT, September 2, 2021

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